Do Groodles make good pets?

Groodles make excellent companion pets, due to their loving and gentle personalities. They also make excellent therapy, assistance and comfort dogs and are a very popular breed choice for those exploring therapeutic work using canines.

What are the different sizes of Groodle?

Groodles are a mix of Golden Retriever, and Poodles. They come in three sizes:

Standard : Height ranges up to 65cm, and weight up to 32kg.

Medium: Height ranges up to 52cm and weight up to 22kg.

Miniature: Height ranges up to 45cm and weight up to 15kg.

Hawkesbury Groodles breeds miniature sized groodles.

What types of fur can a groodle have?

Groodles can have either a wool type coat, closely resembling the poodle parent. This coat is soft to the touch, and quite curly. In our photo below, Murphy to the left resembles more of a wool style coat.

Alternatively, they can have a fleece coat, which is very soft and fluffy, and less curly. In the below photo, Willow on the right has a fleece coat.

Both syles of coat are hypoallergenic. With regular baths (approximately monthly) your dog’s coat should not smell. Don’t over-bathe your dog unless they are dirty, instead you can use a baby wipe to clean around their mouth if they get a little smelly from eating / drinking.

What does F1, F1b, Multigen mean?

When people talk about F1 and so forth, they are discussing the generation of dog. For example, an F1 Groodle, is the first generation of the cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Their pups could have curlier, more poodle-like hair, or a straight coat like the retriever, as they are the closest litter to the first generation parent.

F1b is a first generation crossed back to a purebred dog. For example an F1b Groodle is a cross between an F1 Groodle and a Poodle. F2 means second generation groodles. This allows breeders to select certain traits in the dog to continue into the line.

Multigen means a second, third, or fourth generation crossed to a second, third, or fourth generation thus creating the multigen. These guys are the pups that breeders have carefully selected coat colours or styles (minimal-shedding wool coats or fleece coats or coats that have a specific colour pattern such as merle or phantom), temperament and health profile.

Do Groodles shed?

All dogs shed. It would be inaccurate to say groodles don’t shed at all. The amount they will shed doesn’t depend on their size, but more about which parent they inherit their coat from. Groodles are very low-shedding, meaning any hair they shed gets trapped in the rest of their hair, so you typically won’t find hair on your floors, furniture or clothing.

What grooming do Groodles need?

Most people are drawn to a groodle as they resemble a teddy bear. Unlike teddy bears though, you cannot just throw them in the wash when they get dirty and leave them to dry!

The softness of the groodle coat means you need to brush your pup regularly to avoid their coat matting. Matting is painful for your dog and easily avoidable. When you first get your puppy, get them used to regular brushing and handling, including nail clipping by offering lots of rewards and treats during your grooming, making this a pleasurable experience for your pooch. During the summer months, it can be more comfortable for your groodle to have regular 4-6 weekly grooms as groodles don’t tend to tolerate high heat very well. During winter many owners opt to let their groodle’s hair grow longer to keep them warm, moving to 8-10 weeks between grooms. However, be mindful that the longer your groodle’s hair goes between grooms, the more important it will be to have a regular brush to avoid matting and potentially being cut very short at the next groom.

Murphy has more of a wool style coat, with tighter curls. He is very soft, and rarely sheds.

Willow has a fleece coat.


Are groodles good with kids?

Groodles are loving and affectionate with gentle natures. They are friendly and love to spend time both cuddling up with you, and playing games in the backyard. Because of their beautiful nature and easy trainability, they make perfect pets for kids and families.

Like any dog though, they require training and lots of positive reinforcement to help them understand what is okay and what isn’t. Whilst we strongly suggest puppy school, we also recommend lots of conversations with little ones to teach them about pet safety.

Most pups nip and paw, and will need immediate redirection and training around these behaviours especially whilst they are teething.

What happens if I change my mind?

Our $1000 deposit is non-refundable as we have held the specific puppy for you. We are of course happy to transfer this to a future puppy in another litter to ensure you receive a puppy you are happy with.

If you are not able to keep your puppy after it has come to you, we ask that you come back to us so we can assist in finding an appropriate home for the dog. A thorough vet check must be done on the dog before it comes home to us to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our dogs. We do not offer refunds for puppies that must be returned but can offer a portion of any fee we get for the puppy’s new home, less any vet fees that have been incurred for the dog.